Frame with Dalai Lama

How can you support this WWW initiative ?

Why is an empty frame significant ?
Because pictures of the Dalai Lama are banned again now in Tibet under order of the Communist Chinese government. (May 1996)
If the People's Republic of China and its supporters continue to maintain that the real repression is over or never occurred, just read the following news accounts that detail the latest atrocities toward the Tibetan people to find out the truth:

Tibetan Information Network (TIN) Bulletins

World Tibetan News (WTN)

Inside Tibet: A country tortured
Philadelphia Inquirer- December 1996
Please visit the representative of His Holiness on the WWW:

The Central Tibetan Administration

and the work of the tireless Tibetan Support Groups at:

Tibetan Online

Why are we doing this campaign ?

(If you want to grab the Empty Frame or the Frame with Picture, or the tiny frame gif please do !)
This page was updated on November 19, 1997